Beliefs Influence Outcomes in Baltimore Whiplash Treatment
As a Baltimore Chiropractor that spends the majority of my time treating patients with Baltimore whiplash injuries that require Baltimore whiplash treatment, I have seen a lot of fear and concerning injuries following Baltimore car accidents. Patient’s reactions to injuries vary greatly- some think that their injuries are not a big deal while others think that it is the most tragic thing to have ever happened in the history of the world. Interestingly enough, research has found that beliefs help by patients have been shown to influence outcomes in acute whiplash cases. That is, if a patient is conditioned to believe that they will make a speedy recovery they usually do and if they are condition to believe that their treatment will be protracted and painful, it can be.
Twenty participants were enrolled in a large pragmatic randomized control trial of physical therapy for acute whiplash injuries. They were interviewed at the beginning of their injury and following their treatment.
The authors concluded that people with whiplash injuries such as headaches, neck pain, mid back pain, and lower back pain following Baltimore auto accidents tend to have pre-existing beliefs regarding recovery from auto accidents. Interestingly, health professionals can have a major influence on these beliefs and can either help support patient’s expectations or can help to hold a patient’s recovery back.
Communication and setting expectations for patients involved in Baltimore auto accidents can influence the outcome for these patients. I tell all of my patients that the vast majority of patients will make complete recoveries. That is, they will reach maximum medical improvement by way of reaching pre-injury status. Interestingly, just telling patients that they will recover will help them recover. If you want to check out this article feel free to check out the link here.
If you, or someone you know, has been injured as a result of a Baltimore auto accident and require Baltimore whiplash treatment, please contact Mid-Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractic at (443) 842-5500. We would be happy to help!
Dr. Gulitz
BY: Mid-Atlantic Spinal Rehab
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