If you are searching for a back pain chiropractic treatment Baltimore, MD community members trust, then look no further than Mid Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractic. When injury or illness causes back pain that you just can’t seem to get rid of, you may believe that your only treatment option is to take medication from your primary physician. In many cases, these medications are only for short-term use and do not yield lasting results.
Those who are looking for a non-invasive and natural way to achieve lasting pain relief, are encouraged to speak with a member of our team at Mid Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractic as soon as possible. We can book you an appointment to go over your symptoms and medical history, and then we can customize a treatment plan just for you based on your individual needs.
How Chiropractic Adjustments Work
One of the most common treatment approaches at a chiropractic office is spinal adjustments. This non-surgical treatment is designed to alleviate back and neck pain. A chiropractor will examine your spine and assess which vertebrae are not in proper alignment. One the root cause of your symptoms is identified, a chiropractor can adjust the placement of problematic vertebrae. The result is relief from pressure on joints, increased range of motion, and loosened tense muscles that support the spine.
A spinal adjustment may be performed with the chiropractor’s hands, or a small device. Gentle but direct pressure will be applied to areas where vertebrae are not in alignment. By coaxing these vertebrae back to where they are supposed to be, your body can function more optimally. Adjustments can also be performed by a back pain doctor Baltimore, MD families trust on joints aside from the spine and neck, such as:
- Shoulders
- Jaw
- Elbow and wrists
- Hips
- Pelvis
- Knees
- Ankles
As our patients can attest to, the vast majority of them can attest to feeling immediate relief after just a single session. However, patients who have chronic or severe musculoskeletal issues may need recurring adjustments in order to experience the same results. If your body is so tense that it is not ready for an adjustment, a chiropractor may suggest massage, applying an ice pack, or electrical stimulation.
It is normal to have some soreness after an adjustment, as your body gets acclimated to being in proper positioning. But this should only last a couple days at most, and if you are concerned about anything you are feeling you can give us a call for reassurance.
Call Mid Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractic Today
The human body is one large system that is interconnected. What may start off as neck or back pain can impact other nearby areas, causing the entire body to become sore, stiff, and tense. If you want to book an appointment for a chiropractic adjustment, call Mid Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractic for back pain chiropractic treatment in Baltimore, Maryland today!