
5 Qualities To Look For When Choosing A New Dentist
Chiropractic Care Your dental health is very essential, and the condition of your teeth can even interact with other parts of your body. For example, there’s a huge link between diabetes and dental health, and patients with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing symptoms like gingivitis. For these reasons, many adults seek dental and chiropractic care as improving their oral and physical health as a whole can complement each other. When choosing a
It can be hard to admit when we’re in pain and need help. We often tell ourselves that the pain we feel in our back or neck is because we were working too hard at work or we slept badly. We’ll brush the pain off and tell ourselves that it will improve in a day or two. Next thing you know, it’s been a week or more, and we’re still in the same amount of
Most of us drive every day without getting a second thought about how dangerous it can be. Nine times out of ten, you’ll never experience any real dangers as long as you’re smart about driving. However, tragedy can still strike; unfortunately, people sometimes die from a crash. In late November 2022, police responded to an incident on the 1900 block of W. Northern Parkway near Greenhaven Drive. Around 3:30 p.m., a 2008 Nissan was heading
Every time we step inside our vehicles, we assume some risk. Although today’s vehicles have plenty of new safety features, accidents can still happen. Many of these features are to minimize safety risks, but they can’t completely prevent them. Unfortunately, sometimes these accidents can be out of our hands with common safety risks, including the following: Weather Conditions  Certain weather conditions make it harder to drive. In particular, winter storms can be extremely nasty. While
Around 12:45 a.m., on November 19th, 2022—a Saturday—police from Glen Burnie Barrack received a report about a five-car collision that occurred on Interstate 97, Route 32, southbound. Occurring in Anne Arundel County, this crash first began when Asia Lashae Bryant-Pelloni, 30, a resident of Bowie, Maryland, crashed her 2009 Honda Accord into a 2012 Ford Fiesta. This preliminary crash prompted a 2017 Honda CRV driver to try to avoid the collision by swerving. By swerving,