
Bullet vs. Target Vehicles in Auto Accidents I’ve spoken to many friends and family members who have been involved in auto accidents in Baltimore. Some have accidentally caused the collision (the bullet vehicle) while others have been on the receiving end (target vehicle).  Almost universally those causing the crash end up saying “there’s no way that person could be hurt! I barely hit them!” On one hand they are likely concerned about their auto insurance

More on Car Seats and Head Restraints

Posted on May 20, 2013
More on Car Seats and Head Restraints In past blog posts I have discussed various topics about whiplash from auto accidents in Baltimore. The last blog post mentioned how head restraint positioning can minimize injury risk if positioned properly prior to a rear-end motor vehicle collision. Besides just properly positioning head restraints, certain automobile manufacturers have taken additional steps to make their vehicles more “crashworthy” so that occupants can “ride down” the crash and minimize
Head Restraint Height Can Impact Neck Injury Likelihood When was the last time you checked that the height of your head restraint was appropriate to prevent whiplash? If you are like most people, the answer is probably never. Interestingly, it is this one step that, if performed by drivers even one time over the life of car ownership, would drastically reduce the incidence of whiplash in Baltimore and across the globe. While change in velocities
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the News Everywhere you look these days the top of concussions and/or mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBIs) is being discussed. The issue came to the national forefront over the summer when famed football player Junior Seau tragically took his own life. An autopsy revealed that Seau’s brain had signs of damage consistent with multiple concussions over his long playing career. Those who knew him well said that he was depressed,
Low Property Damage Crashes Can Cause Injury to Occupants  One of my pet peeve’s in clinical practice is when claims adjustors arbitrarily decide not to pay the medical/chiropractic bills of their insureds involved in auto accidents in Baltimore. They like to make the claims that their bumpers “only had a scratch” and that as such, there is no way the occupants of the vehicle could be injured. I typically remark that I am not a mechanic-