
More on Whiplash in Baltimore

Posted on April 26, 2013
Whiplash in Baltimore  Here are some sobering words from Dr. Arthur Croft in his book “Whiplash and Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries: A guide for Patients and Practitioners” (page 28): “Whiplash injuries are quite real and potentially disabling. In the U.S. there are approximately 3 million whiplash injuries each year, at a comprehensive cost of about $43 billion. They account for 25% of all claims paid by auto insurers. They can and often do occur in

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Posted on April 17, 2013
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Clinically mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBIs) and concussions are not the same thing- that is concussions are a type of mild traumatic brain injury. For the sake of this post they will be considered the same thing. MTBIs and whiplash can often co-exist. Interestingly, they are often under reported and under diagnosed by physicians and providers (Chiropractors included) that are likely to treat patients involved in auto accidents in Baltimore and
Risk Factors For Acute Injury and Long-Term Symptoms Associated With Whiplash I often get asked questions regarding why some people in the same car, when exposed to the same forces of a crash, get injured, while other occupants of the vehicle do not suffer injuries. It is important to understand that forces and acceleration alone do not dictate risk for whiplash injury. Certain risk factors such as a person’s age, height, previous health condition and

Whiplash in Baltimore, MD

Posted on April 16, 2013
Whiplash in Baltimore, MD  Whiplash is a term for a condition that occurs when the neck and head move rapidly forwards and backwards or, sideways, at a speed so fast our neck muscles are unable to stop the movement from happening. This sudden force results in the normal range of motion being exceeded and causes injury to the soft tissues (muscles, tendons and ligaments) of the neck. Classically, whiplash is associated with car accidents or,
Baltimore Car Accidents and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury When you woke up today, you thought this was like any other Friday. You’re on your way to work, and traffic is flowing smoother than normal. Suddenly, someone crashes into the back end of your car and you feel your head extend back over the headrest and then rebound forwards, almost hitting the steering with your forehead. It all happened so fast. After a few minutes, you notice