Five Pool Exercises That Can Be Done To Help Ease Back Pain
If you are somebody who experiences back pain, but you enjoy swimming, it is your lucky day because there is evidence that swimming and water exercise can help you if you have acute or chronic back pain. Swimming is extremely low impact, there are no weights involved in the water giving you active resistance; not every exercise is equal, and it even applies to the exercising you’re doing in the pool.
You should talk to your chiropractor such as the ones available Mid Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractor, if you have any questions about whether your pool exercise routine is actually helping you. Your chiropractor will be able to fill in if you have less tension in a trouble area after swimming, and if not, they will be able to recommend better exercises for you to do in or out of the pool. Keep reading for a few exercises you can try on your own:
- Flutter kicking is holding onto the side of the pool and gently scissoring your leg so that your feet are kicking, and you do this with your face down or you can face upwards and see the ceiling. This is an extremely low impact and gentle exercise but do not discount the reward.
- Pelvic stretches are when you stand on the bottom of the pool with your back facing the wall, your arms are hanging in the water, you gently arch your tailbone and pelvis until your back rounds out. The entire focus of this particular stretch is to feel like your back is parallel to the wall of the pool, working your abdominal muscles and pushing your hips forward. You hold this for a few seconds and then you release it.
- What’s called a ‘new start’ is when you use the shallow end of the pool and stand with your feet planted on the floor with your arms relaxed. You essentially begin to march in place and as you lift your leg, you pull your knee closer to your chest and maintain your balance as you stand there. When your back is getting stronger you will eventually be able to pull your leg to waist level without bending your knees.
- For pool planking, you will need to use another flotation device. You are going to hold your flotation device out in front of you and lean into the water to keep your back straight. You want to push the noodle or other flotation device to submerge as you lean forward, you then lock your elbows, keep your feet anchored to the floor and then stay for 60 seconds. You should not perform plank more often than you are instructed to by your caretaker.
- Push-ups in the pool are another one of the best ways to strengthen your back and core. This exercise can be modified and fitted to everyone. You begin in the shallow end of the pool, sit on the floor, place your hands on the floor, and then press your body weight through your hands to push yourself off the floor. Hold it for a few seconds and push off the floor and return to a standing position.
It is important to remember that while you are working under the care of a chiropractor or any other type of physical therapist, that you need to do the exercises exactly as prescribed, so that you do not burn yourself out, or hurt yourself worse.
Benefits Of Taking Your Newborn Baby To The Chiropractor
When you are dealing with a newborn baby, this child can have various complications during childbirth. These various complications can be as simple as a natural birth, which can lead to their spine getting misaligned. When a child’s spine is misaligned they may develop asthma, they may have digestive problems and difficulty breast-feeding which can hinder their development and worry you. However a chiropractor such as the ones available at Mid Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractic, may be able to help your child.
Within the first few weeks it is generally determined to be safe for newborns to receive chiropractic care. The chiropractor that you take your child to is going to use soft pressure to realign the child’s spine and restore normal nervous system function and allow the body to heal itself. These adjustments are not painful but your child may cry because they are going to be held in a way that they are not used to. Pediatric chiropractic care can give your child more mobility, enhance bodily functions and help with their immune system.
However if you need more reassurance, we will go in depth about the benefits of taking your child to the chiropractor.
The chiropractor helps to support the physical development of your child.
Because an infant’s body experiences many changes in a very short period of time, this can lead to growing pains, spinal problems, and more. An example of some of the growing pains that your child experiences in a very short period after being born, their lower back and neck curvatures are going to form as they learn to sit or lift their head up. If your child does not have proper alignment of their spine, spinal curvature can develop wrong which may affect how they physically develop later.
Chiropractic care boosts your child’s recovery after birth.
The birthing process is going to affect the nerves in your child’s body, and just like with you and your body, the chiropractor is going to be able to improve pain levels by gentle manipulations in areas that are going to collect nerve problems and ease tension or strain that your child may be feeling. As the spine is aligned, you can be assured there will be no nerve dysfunction that can cause reflux, breathing or sleeping difficulties or even colic symptoms.
It eases colic symptoms.
Chiropractic care is going to help ease colic symptoms which are associated with an underactive or immature gastrointestinal system. Because the system is considered to be immature, it leads to gas buildup and indigestion. This indigestion and gas buildup is going to cause your child to be distressed by the pain and bloating that gas buildup causes.
So if your child is diagnosed with colic by their pediatrician you should see a chiropractor as soon as is feasibly possible for you, because a chiropractor is going to be able to gently manipulate their body to stimulate nerve flow to their small intestines and increase the gastrointestinal maturity.
Incontinence & Seniors: Foods to Avoid
For those living with incontinence, a meal can make the difference between a good day and a bad one. Seniors and home health aides alike can find themselves strategizing the foods and liquids to promote healthful urination. If you are living with incontinence, are eight foods to avoid!
- Coffee
Although it has become the breakfast drink of choice, coffee is also a diuretic. In effect, this means that the caffeine within the beverage effectively siphons sodium out of your system through urination. Although this process is helpful for those looking to improve their regular movements, coffee can be especially harmful for those living with incontinence.
- Alcohol
Just like caffeine, alcohol is another culprit that over-stimulates the need to urinate. Even more so, alcohol actively saps the body of liquid, causing dehydration and hangovers. Thus, for those looking to master their incontinence, it is best to avoid alcohol.
- Citrus
With such a high percentage of acidic compounds, citrus is a potential agitator for those living with incontinence. Patients should attempt to cut out overly acidic fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, clementines, lemons, limes, etc.
- Tomatoes
As stated previously, acid can be a major agitator of overactive bladder symptoms. Thus, tomatoes are another potential food to avoid. For those living with incontinence, it may be best to cut out all tomato-heavy products; such as pasta sauce, salsa, ketchup, etc.
- Carbonated Beverages
Regardless of whether or not they contain caffeine, carbonated beverages are believed to agitate incontinence. This could be due to the excessive carbon dioxide actively upsetting the body’s equilibrium, or the sugars associated with soda irritating the bladder.
- Aged Cheeses
Those living with incontinence may find that the cultures within aged cheeses are especially irritating to their bladder. Thus, it’s best to avoid any particularly funky cheeses such as bleu or gruyere. It may be best to supplement for milder cheeses like sour cream or vegan nut based cheeses.
- Chocolate
Just like coffee, chocolate has pronounced levels of caffeine. This caffeination can irritate the bladder and exacerbate existing incontinence. The added acid can further irritate the stomach, making chocolate a poor choice for a bladder-friendly diet.
- Spicy Foods
Spices, although delicious, are another known culprit of bladder irritation. The capsaicin found in their chemistry can be especially detrimental to prolonged cases of incontinence. Thus, seniors may want to scale back on particularly spicy foods.
Physical therapy Bowie, MD
Physical therapy Bowie, MD
Sometimes, accidents happen in life, which can end up causing neck damage, spinal and back injuries, and more. Some examples of misfortunes that could cause such ailments are as follows: pedestrian accidents, vehicle or motorcycle accidents, slipping and falling, and more. Moreover, if left unattended, injuries can become permanent and/or irreversible. With that said a chiropractor in Bowie, MD, can aid in assisting with injuries caused by accidents.
Physical therapy Bowie, MD
Within chiropractor sessions, there is a strong focus on assessing the injury that an individual was in, that is in need of having physical therapy applied to ailments and muscle pain. Moreover, chiropractor work also looks at the issues related to muscular stress and spine pain too. Moreover, assessments do not always pertain to just spinal injuries. However, issues related to muscle and back pain can come from stress, which as a result, causes neck pain, back pain, and more.
Furthermore, the root cause of pain is looked at too, meaning that such pain can come from personal issues causing stress. Some examples of personal issues could involve present family conflict, an individual feeling as if they are going nowhere in life, overcoming past traumatic incidents, and more. Now, while there are many places, which can aid in tackling chiropractor sessions well, one of the strongest examples pertains to Mid-Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Clinic.
The Importance of Wellness in Chiropractic Work
What is so beneficial about this rehab facility, is that although there is a strong focus on chiropractor work and assessing spinal injuries, muscle pain, and stress, it branches out to other facets that assist individuals in various ways. The reason why this is important is that although muscle work is beneficial, preventing the issues from returning, is just as important.. As such, within the clinic, there are various types of physical therapy that counselors can recommend. This ensures that an individual is getting the physical and mental help that they need. Some examples are as follows:
- Lifestyle Assessments
- Physical Therapy
- Lifestyle Advice
The Benefits
The benefit of these types of work is that deep roots can be present in the issues that people have. For example; a person can suffer from neck pain, and this may stem from the stress that the individual went through, due to experiencing a traumatic car crash, which caused whiplash that went unnoticed. This is where a combination of chiropractic work and physical therapy would come in. Moreover, injuries can also cause discs to become misaligned, causing posture issues, and more. This is where chiropractic work for lifestyle advice would play an essential role. These are some examples of how the therapies could be beneficial. If you are interested in further looking at the benefits of the Mid Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Clinic, please take a look at the following link.
What Will You Do at Physical Therapy?
There are many different things that physical therapists are trained to do. You will likely not do everything that he or she knows how to do, but your PT will create a special treatment plan for you in particular to help with any ailments you are having. If you need physical therapy in Baltimore, MD, like physical therapy from Mid-Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractic, you should reach out to a PT office today to set up a consultation or first appointment to learn more. In the meantime, here are a few things that you can expect to do while at physical therapy.
Your Therapist May Use Massage Techniques
One thing that can really help at physical therapy is manual manipulation. This may involve massaging tense muscles, helping your nerves glide better, or relaxing joints to help facilitate movement. Massage typically feels incredibly good and should not hurt. You should always speak up and never feel afraid to say if something hurts so your therapist can make adjustments.
Your Therapist Will Give You Exercises
Stretching, light weights, and even cardio exercises can be important in the healing process. Your physical therapist will tailor your routine to what you need and to match your lifestyle. This is important, as you need to do your “homework” in order to be able to heal from the inside out. You should always let your PT know if something hurts or bothers you. Your exercises should be gradually making your life better – they should not harm you. Listening to your body during physical therapy is incredibly important and can make a difference in how fast you are able to heal.
Your Therapist May Offer Other Treatments
Some physical therapists use heat and ice therapy after exercises or manipulation to make you feel better. Others may be trained in dry needling therapy or other techniques that can release muscle tension or help you feel better. Before starting with someone, you should find out what some of the unique treatments he or she offers that make them stand out from other physical therapists.
Contact a PT Today
Reach out to a physical therapist as soon as possible in order to determine if this kind of treatment would be beneficial for your issues. You should speak to your doctor and whoever you would be working with to make sure that you are doing the right thing for your condition. Do not hesitate to ask questions. This is what medical professionals do. They will answer your questions and can work with you to help you heal.