Car Accident Whiplash Chiropractor Baltimore County, MD
If you are considering seeing a Baltimore County, Maryland car accident whiplash chiropractor after a car accident, then you may be wondering how long you will need treatment for and how exactly chiropractics can help you. Many health issues that develop after a car wreck can be treated with the chiropractic approach. Before setting up your first appointment with a chiropractor, you may want to know more information about what to expect.
How Long You’ll Need to See a Car Accident Whiplash Chiropractor
Every person and his or her body is different. Meaning, the impacts of a car accident can be different for everyone. Some people may walk away with just a bit of shock, while others get a broken bone and severe case of whiplash. How long you will need to see a Baltimore County, MD car accident whiplash chiropractor after an accident is based on that person’s unique characteristics and the severity of the collision.
Emergency, Rehabilitation and Maintenance
There are three categories of chiropractic care: emergency, rehabilitation, and maintenance. The type and intensity of the bodily injury will determine how long and how often a person should receive adjustments. For instance, if you were recently in a car accident where you suffered a very bad case of whiplash, this may be considered an emergency that requires immediate chiropractic intervention. Your Baltimore County, Maryland car accident whiplash chiropractor may recommend that you come in for adjustments weekly or more often, based on the severity of the whiplash.
Managing Minor Injuries
Even if you are experiencing more mild symptoms of an injury following a car accident, it is in your best interest to see a chiropractor. Without proper care, a minor injury can eventually develop into a chronic problem that interferes with your daily life. A nagging shoulder that you ignore for too long can cause muscle spasms, headaches, neck tension, and stress. You can speed up the healing process by getting minor injuries tended to by a chiropractor sooner rather than later.
Effects of Whiplash
Neck pain after a car accident is most commonly due to whiplash. At the moment of impact, a person’s head can be jolted forward and backward too rapidly, to where the joints get pushed too far. Whiplash can cause soreness, restriction motion, stiffness, and pain. Your primary physician may put you on pain medication, but that only serves as a temporary relief. A Baltimore County, Maryland car accident whiplash chiropractor can adjust your spinal column and neck area to decrease symptoms, while promoting the body to heal.
Chiropractics as Prevention
Unfortunately, sometimes people overlook the benefits of using chiropractic care as a form of prevention. Seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis can improve a person’s overall mood and well being. Even little aches that develop can be treated quickly, enabling your body to remain as strong as it can. People are encouraged to continue seeing their chiropractor on a routine basis, even after they have completed their treatment plan for the car accident injuries. Based on what you do for a living and how active you are, you may want to see your chiropractor once a month or every two weeks. Your chiropractor can suggest a schedule depending on your needs.
If you have been injured in a crash, call Mid-Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractic to meet with a car accident whiplash chiropractor Baltimore County, MD patients trust today.