Physical Therapy Baltimore, MD
When you are attending physical therapy in Baltimore MD, you may be going in with no knowledge of physical therapy practices prior. This is okay because the physical therapist available to you at Mid Atlantic Spinal Rehab and Chiropractic are here to answer all of your questions.
Physical therapists are trained and licensed in movement, and this means that they can diagnose and treat a range of injuries, disabilities and health conditions someone may be experiencing and that may be negatively impacting their life. Physical therapy is all about improving a person’s range of movement and the quality of life, and because physical therapies focus so much on preventing further injury or further disability, you may actually see a physical therapist after you’ve had a stay in the hospital or have recently acquired a disability.
What to Expect
When attending physical therapy in Baltimore MD for the first time, you are going to be asking yourself what to expect. Physical therapy takes care of patients who are in all phases of healing, meaning you might be going again from the moment you were initially diagnosed to the later stages of recovery where you’re trying to practice restorative medicine and preventative medicine. Physical therapy may also be practiced alone or it may be in support of other treatment; it will depend entirely on your healthcare team and what you are dealing with.
You can seek physical therapy by yourselves or you may have physical therapy referred to by your physician. A physical therapist has the training that allows him to conduct a physical exam and evaluate your movement, flexibility, muscle and joint motion as well as performance. The physical therapist may find out about your health history to further support their treatment of you. Your physical therapist is usually able to give a clinical diagnosis, a prognosis, and a plan of care which will include short and long-term goals.
You can expect yourr physical therapist to perform physical therapy treatment and intervention; they may also provide you with self-management recommendation or exercises that you can do at home, however you should know that you should not practice anything you’ve learned in physical therapy in Baltimore MD at home unless it has been specifically stated that this is an at-home practice.
This is because if you are practicing something that is not an at-home practice you may actually cause yourself more harm than good. Physical therapy may not just require physical manipulation but it may also involve the use of electric current to deliver certain medications such as steroids; it may require electrical stimulation the other transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or neuromuscular electrical stimulation depending upon what is going on; heat, moist heat and cold therapy as well as light therapy may also commended when treating certain medical conditions.
Reach out and talk to Mid-Atlantic Spinal Rehab and Chiropractic today about all of your physical therapy needs in Baltimore MD.
BY: Mid Atlantic Spinal Rehab
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