No Correlation Between Property Damage and Bodily Injury
As a Baltimore Chiropractor that routinely treats clients injured in Baltimore auto accidents (Baltimore car accidents) I routinely see patients whose accidents run the gamut from a simple bumper tap collision to a total loss. Most insurance companies (largely responsible for paying out claims for accidents) would have you believe that there is a direct correlation between property damage to a vehicle and the likelihood of injury to an occupant.
The thought process goes like this: If two cars are involved in a crash with a small crash velocity, particularly a crash where there is no damage to either vehicle, no occupants can be injured. Any claim made for bodily injury must therefore be fraudulent.
I’ll admit. Before I became a Chiropractor I sort of believed this to be true myself. But how did I know it to be the case? I had never done any research, I had just “believed it” inherently.
When I started treating patients as a Chiropractor in Las Vegas I came across a lot of “low property damage” or “low PD” crashes where occupants were claiming injuries to their necks and backs. X-rays, physical examination and orthopedic examination confirmed injury. Professional interest lead me to the literature and research of Dr. Arthur Croft of the Spine Research Institute of San Diego and his post graduate series on Whiplash and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Dr. Croft is one of the leading researchers on whiplash biomechanics/kinematics. As an epidemiologist he has studied all published research on the topic and determined that there is no correlation between crash velocity and injury risk. He states “Using paired comparison methods, the authors were able to demonstrate that when correlating crash delta V and comparing subjects within the same vehicle on the basis of injury risk, it appeared that human factors were more deterministic…than crash metrics.” (p. 98 “Whiplash and Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries”).
This makes some sense. I have seen plenty of older patients who suffer severe injuries that are involved in the same crash as young children/younger adults that walk away unscathed.
At the end of the day, as a Baltimore chiropractor that is involved in whiplash treatment in Baltimore, I do not necessarily concern myself with property damage. I treat injured clients- not injured cars. Often insurance companies will look to deny claims that involve low property damage to vehicles, claiming that they must be fraudulent. Fortunately, my patients know that I have research on my side to fight the insurance companies that look to deny their claims.
If you, or anyone you know, is in need of a Baltimore Chiropractor to treat you for injuries sustained in a Baltimore auto accident, please call Mid-Atlantic Spinal Rehab & Chiropractic at (443) 842-5500. We would be happy to help!
Dr. Gulitz
BY: Mid-Atlantic Spinal Rehab
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