Therapist in Palatine, IL
If you’ve never seen a therapist of any kind, then you have questions. However today we are going to talk about physical therapy, often known as a PT. A PT is a healthcare professional that is going to examine or diagnose or evaluate physical problems that may require physical therapy interventions. Physical therapy is a great tool that can be used to help people who are suffering from physical injuries or disabilities, it can even help people who have had traumatic brain injuries and have to relearn how to walk, talk, eat, hold spoons or whatever.
What is a physical therapist assistant?
Physical therapist assistant otherwise known as a PTA as a healthcare professional who is gonna work with patients that they’re going to be under the direct supervision of a physical therapist in many states, however states have their own requirements about whether a PTA can see patients without a physical therapist present or not, so you should check the laws of your state.
Where do physical therapists work?
Physical therapists and PTAs work in hospitals, rehab facilities, outpatient clinics, nursing homes, colleges and more. Physical therapists can work with sports injuries, they can work with gymnasts, they can work to improve their mobility and range of motion especially when it comes to dance, gymnasts, or even sports.
Having a physical therapist help you?
Patients can benefit from physical therapy for many different reasons, from sports injuries to lower back pain arthritis, physical therapists can even help treat vertigo or they can help a patient that has just had a stroke. Physical therapy is a wide range of healthcare, as they can even tree amputations, joint replacements, or people with burns. There are even physical therapists to specialize in a specific age range such as pediatrics, geriatrics, orthopedics or even women only.
Do you need a prescription for physical therapy?
In some states you are going to need to be referred to a physical therapist to be evaluated and treated by a licensed physical therapist, however not all states require this in some states to allow you to go see a physical therapist without a physician’s referral which is typically referred to as direct access. You should know what your insurance requires because some insurance plans require you to consult with the physician first and may not reimburse you if you go to see a physical therapist without a physician’s note. You should understand that there are exceptions for direct access as well, and your physical therapist in Palatine IL is going to be able to tell you what some of these restrictions are.
How many times do you attend physical therapy?
Your treatment plan is going to be different, because everyone’s is. This treatment plan is made because they’re going to evaluate you and and they are going to look at what you need, and it might be one time a week or it could even be 2 to 3 times a week for smaller sessions. Sometimes you are going to do longer sessions, it depends entirely on what you and your physical therapist talk about.
All of your physical therapy needs to talk to a physical therapist in Palatine IL such as the ones available at Lotus Wellness Center.