
Should You Be Concerned About Back Pain? 

Posted on November 16, 2021
Back pain can signal many different things. It could be a herniated disc or muscle issues, or it could be the beginning stages of arthritis. No matter what, you need to get it checked out by a back pain doctor, like one from AmeriWell Clinics, as soon as possible. Often, the sooner you discover an issue, the more likely it will be resolved in a simpler way. There are many different causes of back pain,
Can your chiropractor in Bowie MD provide relief from a pinched nerve? Pinched nerves were conditions that caused pinched nerves, a very common condition in a chiropractor’s office. Therefore many of the patients that see chiropractors often ask about ways to relieve their pain and whether chiropractors can help with that. There are a lot of reasons why you might have a kink in your neck, or why your back may hurt or any part

Basic Tips for Preventing CrossFit Injuries

Posted on November 11, 2021
CrossFit has become a very popular type of workout. However, if you don’t take the proper safety precautions, it can easily lead to injury. Knee injuries in particular are one of the most common injuries CrossFit patrons endure. While it’s always a good idea to talk with a CrossFit trainer about your own health needs before beginning training, here are a few basic tips that may help you avoid some serious injuries. Listen to your

PT Recommendations for Treatment at Home

Posted on October 24, 2021
If you are wondering whether you can get physical therapy (PT) at home, the answer is “maybe.” Some patients can receive in-home health services during which a licensed PT will come to their home to provide therapy. Since telehealth services are very popular now, PT patients also often have the option of receiving “hands-off” treatment during online live streams with a licensed provider.  It’s very appealing to choose the online option if you have difficulty

Top Reasons To Return to Physical Therapy

Posted on October 24, 2021
Top Reasons To Return to Physical Therapy Most patients undergo physical therapy for a short time. You may visit your physical therapist over the course of weeks or months. However, physical therapy can be a long process. For example, you may finish your initial several sessions and have to return years later to receive treatment for an exacerbation of your original condition. As an experienced Baltimore, MD physical therapy provider – including those who practice