If you strain your back or neck, your first initial instinct may be to pop some pain-killers or anti-inflammatory and rest if you can. However, symptoms related to the spine, neck, and back should not be taken lightly. Many people suffer needlessly because they are only blanketing the real issue, when a visit to their local chiropractor may be what ultimately resolves their aches and pains for good. Here are a few signs that it’s
Whether you fell from a ladder, slipped at work, or were injured in a car accident, physical therapy may be beneficial for you and help speed up your recovery. Physical therapists are knowledgeable about the musculoskeletal system and the conditions that affect it. Through exercises, stretches, diet, and lifestyle changes, they can help alleviate your pain and condition your body to improve your physical health. If you have been injured in the following accident
What To Expect During Your First Physical Therapy Session Physical therapy is beneficial for a wide range of conditions. It can help individuals regain their strength following an injury or surgery. It can also improve balance and coordination in individuals with temporary and permanent movement disorders. The first visit for a physical therapy Bowie in MD with a physical therapist determines subsequent treatment and includes multiple steps. Interview During your first visit, your physical therapist
You may require physical therapy to help you recover from an injury or medical condition that causes pain or limits your mobility. Your therapist will periodically assess your abilities to determine if your therapy is helping you achieve the goals you set during your first visit. Typical physical therapy in Bowie, MD goals may include: Pain relief Better range of motion Better balance Greater endurance More strength Your therapists may apply one of the following
Chiropractor Understanding Chiropractic Care Chiropractic care has been used as a reliable treatment for back pain and other health issues for over a century, and yet it’s only just now beginning to gain any sort of mainstream recognition. If more people understood chiropractic, they would be better able to benefit from it. If you’ve been thinking about trying out a safe, affordable, and all-natural treatment option in order to improve your sense of well-being and