
Meet Otto: The First Self Driving Truck

Posted on October 30, 2016
Meet Otto: The First Self Driving Truck As many of my avid blog readers are already aware, I am a Baltimore chiropractor that spends the majority of my time treating patients in Baltimore with headaches, neck pain, and back pain. Sometimes these patients present following Baltimore auto accident injuries and Baltimore truck accident injuries, and sometimes they are “desk jockeys” or “weekend warriors.” The thread that unites them is the presence of spinal pain and
Chiropractic and Stroke – Neck Spinal Manipulation is Safe As a Baltimore Chiropractor that spends the majority of my time treating patients with headaches, neck pain and back pain, I often get asked questions about neck spinal manipulation. Patients, even those with neck pain, are sometimes afraid of undergoing any neck spinal manipulation fearing for their health and safety. I understand their concerns and to those who would be candidates for cervical spine (neck) manipulation
Increased Access to Chiropractic Care Linked with Lower Healthcare Costs and Better Outcomes As many avid blog followers already know, I am a Baltimore Chiropractor who spends the majority of my time utilizing chiropractic care to treat headaches, neck pain, and back pain in Baltimore, MD. Whether it be the weekend warrior type, the blue-collar worker, of a Baltimore auto accident injury patient, I have been a licensed chiropractor for almost 8 years and have
The Most Dangerous Street Intersections in Baltimore City As a Baltimore Chiropractor that spends the majority of my time treating injured clients involved in Baltimore auto accidents and who have suffered Baltimore auto accident injuries including headaches, neck pain, and back pain, I have long wondered where the majority of the Baltimore City auto accident injuries were taking place. That is, this is a large city with many small windy roads and a large diverse
Some Patients Fail To Improve With Chiropractic Care By now I am sure that my avid blog followers are aware that I am a Baltimore Chiropractor that treats patients in Baltimore, MD with headaches, neck pain, mid back pain, and lower back pain. These aches and pains can be from overuse injuries, chronic pain from a lifetime of hard work, or they can be acute injuries suffering from Baltimore auto accidents, Baltimore slip and fall